Modulemd 2.0 Public API

Modulemd — User's Guide for libmodulemd
Modulemd.BuildConfig — Internal representation of a module build configuration
Modulemd.Buildopts — Provides hints to the build-system on how to build this module.
Modulemd.Component — Pure virtual parent class for components that go into a module stream.
Modulemd.ComponentModule — A module component that goes into a module stream.
Modulemd.ComponentRpm — An rpm component that goes into a module stream.
Modulemd Compression Helpers — Utility functions for working with compressed files.
Modulemd.Defaults — Parent class for Default documents. See ModulemdDefaultsV1 for a specific type.
Modulemd.DefaultsV1 — Object representing a defaults document (version 1)
Modulemd.Dependencies — Object to represent build-time and runtime dependencies of a module stream.
Modulemd Errors — Error codes for libmodulemd.
Modulemd.Module — Collects all information about a module: all of its streams, defaults, etc.
Modulemd.ModuleIndex — The primary interface to dealing with repodata in the module metadata format.
Modulemd.ModuleIndexMerger — Class to aid in merging metadata from multiple repositories.
Modulemd.ModuleStream — A parent class for all versions of ModulemdModuleStream objects.
Modulemd.ModuleStreamV1 — The data to represent a stream of a module as described by a modulemd YAML document of version 1.
Modulemd.ModuleStreamV2 — The data to represent a stream of a module as described by a modulemd YAML document of version 2.
Modulemd.PackagerV3 — Internal representation of the modulemd-packager v3 format.
Modulemd.Profile — Stores profile information for a module stream.
Modulemd.RpmMapEntry — Provides an exploded and unexploded view of the NEVRA of an RPM artifact.
Modulemd.ServiceLevel — Provides lifecycle information for a module stream.
Modulemd.SubdocumentInfo — Stores information regarding a YAML subdocument in a stream.
Modulemd.Translation — Translation information for a module stream.
Modulemd.TranslationEntry — Contains the translated strings of a module stream for a specific locale.
Modulemd.Obsoletes — Obsoletes information for a module stream.